Monday, May 19, 2008

Pain Free Knitting and Crafting

Compass Chiropractic will be hosting an innovative and much needed health talk this Thursday, May 22 on Pain Free Knitting and Crafting. As the son of a certified afghan making wizard, Dr. David Krohse has a great deal of empathy and understanding for the plights of crafters around the Des Moines area, who work for hours looking down. The class will go over causes of neck pain and hand numbness and tingling. We'll then discuss exercises and stretches to reduce the symptoms. Finally we'll discuss some advanced nonsurgical, nondrug treatment options which are often covered by the health insurance most Des Moines area patients have.

6:00 Thursday. RSVP if you're interested. Suggested $10 donation to Special Olympics Iowa.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


It's interesting that the demographics and location of Clive specifically are a large factor in how Compass Chiropractic ended up where it was. Sure I looked at Clive as a centrally located city where people from all over Des Moines would be able to easily get to the clinic but my files are oddly absent of actual Clive residents. It's time for the residents of Clive to realize the quality of care available just down the street. If you're reading this and live in Clive, or know someone who lives in Clive who would like to learn the most efficient path to pain free living, send them to me for a free consultation. Better yet, have them participate in the Special Olympics Fundraiser, where I'll donate the entire first visit (exam and any needed X-Rays) if a new patient donates $30 or more to Special Olympics Iowa. This is only available through the month of May.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May Newsletter

Compass Chiropractic May, 2008 e-Newsletter

A Special Fundraiser
Through May, any new patient who donates $30 or more to Special Olympics Iowa will receive their first visit (Exam and any needed X-rays up to $300 value) at no charge. A goal has been set to raise over $1,500 through this fundraiser so your assistance in spreading the word will be much appreciated!

Tuesday, May 27 any established patient will receive any needed services (adjustments, Active Release Techniques treatment, and table massage up to $100 value) at no charge when a $20 or greater donation is made to Special Olympics Iowa.

A Story of Exceeded Expectations:
I had been having neck and shoulder pain for 2-3 years without any medical treatment. This was affecting my sleep and my work. Within 1-2 visits with Dr. Krohse my pain was subsiding and now 1-2 months into treatment I’m sleeping better than I have in years and my pain is gone.
I would recommend chiropractic treatment to anyone. From minor aches and pains to severe pain, chiropractic treatment can alleviate your symptoms.
Adam Slorah
Residential Appraiser - Rally Appraisal

FAQ about ART
Q: How is Active Release Technique different from massage?
A: Massage therapy is certainly beneficial, and I refer patients to local massage therapists for whole body tightness or excessive stress. However, Active Release Techniques (ART) offers significant advantages for a variety of specific conditions.
Muscles all over your body are in layers that normally slide smoothly next to each other. If an injury or repetitive work/motion situation occurs, areas of scar tissue can form between muscles limiting normal movement and causing pain, tightness, numbness, or tingling. Scar tissue is sticky, tough stuff; think of it like very tough bubble gum. A typical deep tissue massage uses a stripping motion or deep pressure to try to break up the scar tissue. It’s a bit like taking a piece of gum and dropping it on the ground and trying to break it apart with your shoe. It’s not going to be the most effective. If you take that same piece of gum and stretch it out and have a child give it just a small karate chop, it will break easily. ART works similar to the second example. By specifically stretching muscles at the same time pressure is applied to areas of scar tissue, normal muscle movement is restored with less force and discomfort. Best of all, the results are often permanent.
ART has built a fantastic reputation for resolving difficult-to-treat conditions. Some of the most common include carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder injuries, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, runner’s knee, sciatica, and chronic headaches, back, and neck pain.
Many health insurances cover ART as a manual therapy performed by a doctor.

Condition of the Month – Headaches
Headaches are one of the most common conditions relieved with chiropractic care. In fact, headaches are what first changed my family’s opinion about chiropractic.
The year was 1985. My mother was a nurse and had never considered going to a chiropractor for any health problem. On a trip to visit our grandparents in South Dakota, our Subaru was hit from the side by a UPS truck as we traveled at highway speed. I came out of the impact with just a few scratches, but my brother, Joshua, had been slammed violently into the side of the car. His head was split open from above his eye to the crown of his head. He was air-lifted to Wichita, Kansas and thankfully the surgeons were able to stitch him up and stabilize his condition in the following days.

When we finally returned home Joshua’s life was not in jeopardy, but it certainly wasn’t the same carefree life he had before the accident. He was plagued with frequent, severe headaches. When a child is in agony, the whole family feels the pain. My parents took him to the neurosurgeon for multiple follow-ups, desperate for a solution to return their son to normal. Medications weren’t working, so the neurosurgeon referred him to a pediatric neurologist. The pediatric neurologist looked at X-rays of Joshua’s head and neck and came up with a single recommendation, “You should try chiropractic. It looks like the problem is in his neck.”

Though my parents were skeptical, they took my brother to a chiropractor. Progress was quick to come, and Joshua was soon living without headaches. He is currently a youth pastor at Northbrook Baptist Church in Cedar Rapids with a wife and three wonderful children of his own. My mother was so impressed with the results of chiropractic care that she asked about the whiplash symptoms she had been experiencing since the accident: neck pain and headaches. When she started care, she also experienced rapid, positive results.

Growing up, my family chose to try safe and effective chiropractic first whenever an ache, pain, or numbness condition wouldn’t go away with simple home solutions. Invariably, our chiropractor would get to the bottom of the problem and solve it naturally or send us on to the right health professional for more aggressive treatments. My parents both currently go to the clinic of Dr. David Johnson, father of golfer Zach Johnson, when they can’t make it here from Cedar Rapids to see me.

If you know someone who has been putting up with headaches, please share this story with them. Other stories of chiropractic helping patients with headaches are on the testimonials page of the Compass Chiropractic website. Directions to see if your headaches are likely coming from your neck are in the headaches page of the website
-Dr. Krohse

Compass Chiropractic Calendar
May 1-31 – A Special Fundraiser - Any new patient who donates $30 or more to Special Olympics Iowa will receive their first visit (Exam and any needed X-rays up to $300 value) at no charge.
Thurs May 1, 6:00 – Injury Free Tennis – Free health talk at Compass Chiropractic. Reservations required.
Mon May 5, 6:00 – Running Injury Prevention and Care – Beginner’s Running Group at Campbell Park
May 5-9 – Teacher’s Appreciation – Teachers receive their first treatment at no charge as a gift when they participate in “A Special Fundraiser”
May 6-12 – Nurse’s Appreciation – Nurses/Nursing Assistants receive their first treatment at no charge as a gift when they participate in “A Special Fundraiser”
Tues, May 6 - Kid's Day – Children 12 and under receive all services at no charge
Wed May 7, 1:00 – Advances in Chiropractic Care – Free health talk at Woodland’s Creek Senior Living
Thurs May 8, 6:00 – Advanced Nonsurgical Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment – Free health talk at Compass Chiropractic. Reservations required.
Tues, May 13 - Athlete's Day - Athlete’s any age receive first day services (exam and any needed X-rays up to $300 value)
Thurs May 15, 6:00 – Injury Free Soccer – Free health talk at Compass Chiropractic. Reservations required.
Tues May 20, 2:30 – Advances in Chiropractic Care – Free health talk at Senior Suites in Urbandale
Thurs May 22, 6:00 – Knitting and Crafting without Pain or Numbness – Free health talk at Compass Chiropractic. Reservations required.
Tues May 27 – A Special Fundraiser – Established patients receive all services (adjustments, Active Release Techniques, table massage) at no charge with $20 or greater donation to Special Olympics Iowa
Thurs May 29 – Nonsurgical Shoulder Injury Healing and Stabilization – Free health talk at Compass Chiropractic. Reservations required.

Highly Recommended Professionals:
Timothy Schutte – Realtor - Prudential First Realty – (515) 453-7544
Shelly Hansen – Real Estate Stager and Interior Redesign Specialist – Treasured Spaces
(515) 975-1783

Compass Chiropractic - Your source for conservative care near the new West Des Moines hospitals

April Newsletter

Compass Chiropractic April, 2008 Newsletter

April is Tax Break Month
For only $10.40 you will receive:
- A Health History & Consultation
- An Orthopedic & Neurological Examination
- Initial X-rays of the Spine (if needed)
- Report of Findings to the patient
- Up to $300 Value
Don't let stress TAX your system!
We are unable to extend this offer to patients covered by Medicare or Medicaid

A Story of Exceeded Expectations:
March 30, 2008
Dr. David Krohse,
I want you to know that I appreciate very much the outstanding results achieved within the short period of time since I've been a patient of yours. I would like to share my positive experience with others who may also be suffering as I was.
I came to see Dr. David Krohse specifically with hopes of getting some relief from a pinched nerve in my neck. I had been experiencing numbness and tingling in my right arm, hand and fingers for several months. After a few visits and discussions about some other existing symptoms (lower back, hip, knee and ankle pain), Dr. Krohse thought we should scan my feet. Well, to my surprise we discovered that I have flat feet! Dr. Krohse then went on to explain how I might benefit from custom orthotics. I placed my order and within less than a week I was wearing my new custom orthotics.
I have been wearing these now for about six weeks or so and my hip, knee and ankle pain is pretty much gone and my lower back pain has been significantly reduced. I feel much better and I look forward to mowing the lawn, hiking the trails and playing golf, confident that I am not going to suffer the painful ramifications experienced in the past. Oh, the issue of numbness and tingling caused by the pinched nerve are now totally gone. Thank you Dr. Krohse.
Carl Stam - Absolute Concepts Inc - Clive (515) 282-2133

Compass Chiropractic Calendar
April, 2008 - Tax Break Month Promotion
Tues, April 1 - Kid's Day Tues, May 6 - Kid's Day
Tues, April 8 - Athlete's Day Tues, May 13 - Athlete's Day
April 21-25 Administrative Professionals Week - Admin's receive a fresh cut flower and their first adjustment/ART treatment at no extra charge with participation in the Tax Break Month Promotion

Active Release Techniques - Performance Care for All
Active Release Techniques (generally referred to as ART) combine specific patient-assisted muscle stretching with pressure into the problem areas or scar tissue. This generates much greater tension on scar tissue than either stretching or massage alone, and frequently leads to permanent resolution of athletic conditions such as Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, runner's knee, tennis elbow, and shoulder pain. Additionally, the techniques have proven extremely effective for problems in the general population such as carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, and chronic back and neck pain.

ART was developed by Dr. Michael Leahy in Colorado and initially became known for rapidly resolving the overuse injuries suffered by elite triathletes. As the number of providers has grown, ART's reputation has spread to the greater athletic world where it can now be seen performed by doctors on the sidelines of NFL games and at ultimate fighting matches. The worlds of manufacturing and service have also taken note of ART's effectiveness - a number of major corporations such as GE, Sabre (Travelocity), Sealy Mattress, and Ball Corporation, with a manufacturing plant in Ames, bring ART providers onsite to provide preventive care for their employees with significant reductions in their work-related injury costs resulting. OSHA has called it a "Best Management Practice."

Local patients are seeing positive results with ART. Dr. Karen Kemp-Glock of Women's Health Services in Clive came to Dr. David Krohse at Compass Chiropractic with weakness and occasional tingling in her right hand. "In just two treatments my hand returned to full strength, and I've experienced no tingling since." Sandy Renshaw, owner of Purple Wren Communications, reported that, "in just a few treatments I've experienced significantly reduced headache and foot pain." Dr. David Krohse is one of just a few ART Certified Providers in Iowa.

Condition of the Month - Whiplash
Whiplash, injury resulting from a sudden jerking of the head, is a condition commonly treated at Compass Chiropractic. Often people experience symptoms resulting from an untreated or inadequately treated whiplash incident years after the injury took place. A combination of specific adjustments and ART is frequently able to greatly improve or resolve chronic symptoms of neck tightness, pain, headaches, and shoulder/arm symptoms resulting from a past whiplash injury. In the future, we hope to help patients soon after whiplash incidents, resolving joint and muscle injuries before symptoms become chronic.
Car accidents commonly cause whiplash. It's important that you know what to do in case of an accident, and we have available pamphlets for your glovebox or purse with specific instructions. Pick one up on your next visit or print one off our website - What to do in Case of A Car Accident Pamphlet. If you have been in an accident within the last two years and are still experiencing related symptoms, your care may be covered by the responsible car insurance. Call Compass Chiropractic (515) 309-1217 and we will work with you to find out what your coverage is.

Kid's Day and Athlete's Day
We believe that regular wellness checkups and chiropractic/ART treatments as needed can be the foundation for your family's life of wellness. We will be starting two special days each month to promote a healthy foundation for your active families. The first Tuesday of each month will be "Kid's Day" when children age 12 and under receive all services at no charge. The second Tuesday of each month will be "Athlete's Day" when your family's athletes (any age) can bring in a team picture or picture of them participating in their current sport and receive all first day services (exam and any necessary X-Rays) at no charge.

Northwest Chiropractic Clinic Honored
Dr. David Krohse's previous employer, Northwest Chiropractic Clinic in Mount Vernon, Washington, was honored with the Skagit Business Pulse 2007 People's Choice Award for Best Chiropractic Clinic. Dr. Krohse was a provider there through November, 2007. "I look forward to applying the principles of honesty always, constant positivity, respect for patient's time, and consistent clinical excellence to build a similar outstanding reputation in this community," stated Dr. Krohse. "I'd also like to thank the many patients in the Skagit Valley who supported Northwest Chiropractic Clinic in the survey."

Thank you!

With the generous donations of new patients, Compass Chiropractic raised $680 for the Des Moines chapter of the American Heart Association through the Have a Heart - Save a Heart Fundraiser. We believe contributing to the community's health is as important as our contributions to patients' health. In the future we look forward to supporting community organizations and offering health talks and sports evaluations. Check the calendar at for upcoming events.

Highly Recommended Professionals:
Dan Durant – Financial Architects – (515) 457-1276
Shari Brenning – Universal Mortgage – (515) 334-0934

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Des Moines Hospitals

Compass Chiropractic is going well. We continue to see new patients thrilled to find out that there is an ART provider here in Des Moines.

Long term, one of the most exciting things is the proximity of Compass Chiropractic to the new Des Moines Hospitals. Both the Mercy Medical Center - West Lakes and the Michael R. Myers Medical Center by Iowa Health are just a couple blocks from Compass Chiropractic.

In other cities many surgeons send all their patients pre and post operation for Active Release Techniques. Our goal is to get such great results and build such a positive reputation that surgeons in this area choose to prioritize patient outcomes and refer their patients for ART as well.