Team In Training Fundraiser
On Saturday, June 4 Dr. Krohse will compete in the Dam to Dam as a part of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training. A goal has been set to raise at least $3,000 to go toward the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Any new patient who donates $50 or more to the Team In Training fund will receive a complementary first visit (exam, any needed spinal X-rays, and table massage up to $300 value).
Call (515) 309-1217 to schedule an appointment!
We Need Your Help!
People are out there looking for the best treatments for their problems. Some of them may be dealing with the same problems you have found relief from at Compass Chiropractic. Please help us by sharing your experience on one of the online review sites below.
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We appreciate your help! Show us your review and we’ll show our thanks with either a:
1) $5 HyVee Gift Card and Compass Chiropractic water bottle
2) $5 Caribou Coffee Gift Card and Compass Chiropractic water bottle
3) $10.49 Biofreeze tube and Compass Chiropractic water bottle
Free Pain-Free & Efficient Running Workshop – Tuesday February 15 at 6:00 PM
Connie recommends Setting Goals and Sticking to Them
Everyone has goals they want to accomplish, some big, some small, some goals that can be completed quickly and some that they are working on that will take years to complete, but how many people really stick to the goal and complete it?
A goal that I set for myself recently is almost complete. I was talking to someone that had decided to exercise at least 30 minutes a day for all of 2010. This was in December that we talked about it so he was almost there and had not missed one day. So I thought if he could do 365 days straight I can do 60 days. So I set myself a goal that I will work out for at least 30 minutes a day for the next 60 days. I am one day away from it and have realized it was fairly easy to accomplish and now want to set a bigger goal.
What do you want to accomplish? Start small and make it one that you can complete quickly. Then set a bigger goal like I am doing. Maybe you want to clean up your finances, cut out a cup of coffee in the morning or make your own exercise program, just make the goal and stick to it. Only you can make 2011 your best year ever.
Abbey Recommends Half Price Books and Sarah’s Key
I am currently reading a novel called “Sarah’s Key” which was recommended to me by Connie. Connie’s daughter recommended it to her, and when Connie raved about how good it was and that she couldn’t put it down, I knew I had to read it.
I thought about going to Barnes and Noble and picking up a brand new copy, but instead I decided to try out Half-Price-Books. This store is located in Clive in the strip mall by Kohl’s, and has a huge selection of gently used books. When I went, the assistants were extremely helpful and helped me find the book right away. I thought that I would be getting a tattered book but it was in great condition and instead of the almost $15 retail price I got the book for $6!
I started the book right away, and now I can’t put it down. “Sarah’s Key” is a fictional story written by Tatiana de Rosnay and based around the true events of the roundup of Jewish individuals who lived in France. It is compelling, emotional, and sometimes heartbreaking. If you are interested in history and a compelling story, I guarantee you will be drawn into and love this wonderful book.
Dr. Krohse Recommends Pro Energy Consultants
Through my BNI chapter, I get to meet a number of local business owners and professionals whose services I can confidently recommend. This month I’d like to let you know about Nick Herrick’s business, Pro Energy Consultants. With utility bills on the rise this company will show you the path to lower your bills.
With a tough economy it’s important that we all make our dollars stretch as far as we can. Furthermore, it’s equally important to make sure we don’t waste our money. A home is one of the greatest investments an individual or family can make. It is also where you want to feel the most comfortable.
Pro Energy Consultants, America’s First name in energy auditing, can help you achieve a comfortable and energy efficient home. To help you determine if you need a professional energy audit, take this short five question survey:
• Do you think your utility bills are higher than they should be?
• Do you suspect that your home is not as energy efficient as it should be?
• Do you feel cold or drafty places in your home?
• Do you feel big temperature differences from room to room?
• Would you like to know what changes to make to your home to make it as energy efficient as possible?
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions then you may want to consider having an energy audit completed in your home.
A home energy audit is an opportunity to learn about your home and how to achieve that ultimate comfort level. Pro Energy Consultants finds the source to your energy and indoor air quality issues and eliminates the guess work to the symptoms you may be experiencing. Many homeowners face similar issues but every home is different. Homeowners often try to solve the symptoms but usually don’t know the source of their issues.
Pro Energy Consultants are an unbiased third party; our goal is to help improve your comfort level and become more energy efficient.
Please use the coupon below as a VIP Customer discount on a home energy audit. Learning about your home can be an invaluable experience. Call today to schedule your home’s energy audit. Please visit their website to learn more about Energy Auditing.

& An Interesting Article on Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Building
Condition of the Month – Back Pain
The majority of back pain patients have not experienced any trauma, accidents or major injuries prior to the onset of their problem. The cause of most back pain is the cumulative affect of improper sitting posture, poor work habits, incorrect lifting, lack of proper exercise and other lifestyle-related factors. All of these factors cause stress and imbalances on the spine and eventually pain. This is why people often injure their back by just bending over to pick up a piece of paper. The spine was already compromised and just the simple act of bending was enough to set off the problem. When this occurs, the surrounding back muscles go into spasm to protect the stressed or injured tissues of the back. In the US, low back pain is one of the most common conditions and one of the leading causes of physician visits. In fact, at least four out of five adults will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. Thirty-one million Americans have low back pain at any given time. One half of all working Americans admit to having back symptoms each year. One third of all Americans over age 18 had a back problem in the past five years severe enough for them to seek professional help. And the cost of this care is estimated to be a staggering $50 Billion yearly--and that's just for the more easily identified costs!
Consumer Reports has found chiropractic care to be the most effective treatment for low back pain. Additionally, we provide our patients with the second and third most effective treatments – massage in the form of Active Release Techniques and physiotherapy/rehab exercises. To see if our care may be able to help you, call us today and schedule a new patient visit or complimentary consultation.
1st Tues each Month – Kid's Day – Children under 13 receive ANY needed services (exams, adjustments, ART) at no charge
2nd Tues each Month – Athletes Day – Athletes any age bring a team picture or action picture and receive 1st day services (exam and any needed X-rays) at no charge