Thursday, September 13, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Exercising to Lose Weight is Stupid - Original Post and Apology

A couple days ago I sent out the invitation to my upcoming paleo/lower carb talk below.  I offended some with the subject and content, so wrote the apology and explanation below.  I was asked by a local athlete to put this on my blog so here it is.  Hope to see some of you at the talk.

From: David <>
Sent: Saturday, September 8, 2012 7:28 PM
Subject: [DSMTri] Exercising to lose weight is stupid, ineffective, and painful!
Exercising to lose weight is stupid, ineffective, and painful!  Learn how to easily lose weight and then enjoy exercise instead!

Whether your goal is to look better or get a PR in your upcoming race, you probably think of exercise as your main tool to cut weight.  Unfortunately, for so many people this just doesn't work!  Attempts lead to failure, injuries, frustration, and even self loathing as your miles don't pay off with a better body or faster times.

You are not alone!  More exercise is simply not the key.  Don't believe me?  Go watch an Ironman Triathlon like I did and you'll see that nearly a third of the athletes, who have been training about 20 hours per week for many months are either overweight or "skinny-flabby," a look you'll instantly recognize when you see it.

You'll laugh out loud as the "Aha" moments come fast and furious when you attend Dr. David Krohse's presentation Why We Get Fat & Sick & What To Do About It - A Free Discussion of How and Why a Paleo, Lower Carbohydrate Diet Can Improve Your Physique, Health, Athletic Performance, and Life

I promise, this is not a sales pitch!

At 6:00 pm on Tuesday, September 25 Compass Chiropractic will host a presentation by Dr. David Krohse on the benefits of paleo and lower carbohydrate diets.  With fascinating examples, he'll show how the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) has sent America on a trajectory toward epidemic rates of obesity and chronic, deadly diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.  He'll then explain how you can simply and efficiently achieve improved health and ideal body weight without having to cut calories or exercise excessively.  Suggested RSVP to 515-309-1217 or Free (donations to our Special Olympics Softball Fundraiser welcome).

I'm sorry if I offended you.  I'll admit I knew I might step on a couple toes with that subject line where I said that exercising to lose weight was stupid.  However, I was hoping that the subject would compel people to read the info and see that I love exercise and want all of you to enjoy it as fast as you want, looking how you want, feeling great, and without any injuries.  I want you to get to those results as efficiently and effectively as possible.

I wrote the subject line and have created the presentation that I wish someone would have shared with me in February, 1998.  Why 1998 you ask?  Well that's the last time that I was able to out-exercise the Standard American Athletes Diet.  I had just finished a successful state swim meet and the 10,000 yards a day of swimming leading up to it had let me eat anything I wanted and still be lean and fast.  Fast forward to the end of 2009 and I had spent twelve years feeling all the emotions I mentioned below as I told myself, "some day life will slow down enough and I'll exercise enough to get down to my racing weight."

January 1st, 2010 I started applying the nutrition concepts I'll be discussing and dropped 25 pounds and went from a 34" waist to a 30" waist in two months.  I went from a mid-pack runner and triathlete to getting top five and ten finishes.  Google-stalk my profile and you'll see that I raced like a different person from 2010 on.  Some of the improvement was due to improved running form (free workshop on that Sept 19 at my office at 6 pm or head to Coach Loran Storts/Ironworks Free Natural Running Clinic Sept 22 at Lululemon) but a lot of it was a direct result of decreased body fat.

My weight loss gives a good example of how exercise is not the key for many people to lose weight efficiently. Many diets say that losing weight is simply a matter of calories eaten vs calories burned.  Those diets will tell you that a 3,500 calorie deficit is needed to lose a pound of fat.  Running burns about 100 calories per mile.  I would have had to create an 87,500 calorie deficit by running 875 miles or cycling 1,900 miles in that two month period while not increasing my eating at all to drop those 25 pounds.  How hopeless does that sound? 

Instead I ate differently and always ate until I felt full.  I wasn't hungry.  I exercised just a bit.  The body fat just disappeared.  I'm not going to lie, it was awesome.  However, it definitely was not just "calories in vs. calories out."

So now I'm excited to share what got those results because it really changed my life for the better.  I've maintained that weight loss since and feel great.  I'm running, biking, and even swimming faster than ever.

I wanted people to know that I'm not going to try to sell them products.  Mostly I'll be recommending that you buy the specific books that will get you to your goal the quickest by great authors, like Joe Friel who wrote the Triathlete's Training Bible and the Paleo Diet for Athletes.

Again I'm sorry if I offended you, but I hope you'll consider taking advantage of this learning opportunity rather than ruling it out simply because an attempt at an intriguing subject line failed.
