You are invited to improve your health with our Holiday Gifts of Health!
Through January 7, 2011 new patients are welcome to come in for a gift of a free complete workup (thorough exam, any needed spinal X-rays, mechanical table massage, and written report of findings). Call 515.309.1217 to reserve a time on our schedule.
We also have a gift treatment day scheduled for December 16 when any established patient can come in for a treatment on us. This would include any needed adjustments, Active Release Techniques, muscle stim, and mechanical table massage (limited to 10 minutes of treatment with Dr. Krohse).
If a new patient comes in for their report of findings visit before the 16th they are welcome to receive both gifts!
Also, please call our office if you need additional 2011 monitor calendars to give away.
Purification with a “Side-Effect” of Weight Loss Talk & Dinner
At 6:00 pm on Tuesday, December 14 Compass Chiropractic will host a presentation by Dr. David Krohse on the Standard Process Purification Program. This program has helped about 30 patients in our office reach better health and change their weight. Most have lost about eight to nine percent of their body weight in 21 days. Dr. Krohse used the program as a jump start to lose 25 pounds this year. Additionally, the program has the ability to drastically change lipid profiles.
A “pure” dinner will be served so come hungry! RSVP to attend the presentation with name, phone, and email to 515.309.1217 or
November’s Waiting Room Wellness – Books We’re Most Thankful For
Just in time to add a few books to your holiday wish list, we are excited to release the full list of recommended books from our November Waiting Room Wellness. Patients and friends came through with a number of great recommendations of "books we're most thankful for."
The Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Nifffenger - Johnna Light (Connie's daughter)
Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah - Johnna Light
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle - Beckett Light (Connie's grandson)
Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson
Many Lives Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss
Linchpin by Seth Godin - Jed Gammell
On The Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman
It's Not About the Bike by Lance Armstrong - Jessica Pilling
The Greatest Salesman in The World by Og Mandino - Jessica Pilling
A Time for Dancing by Davida Willis Hurwin - Katie Pruisner
The Hobbit by JR Tolkien - Jeremy Pace
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd - Jennifer Marinangeli
The Bible - Cam Kirkpatrick
The Five Love Languages - Cam Kirkpatrick
Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey - Cam Kirkpatrick
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson
Run, Baby, Run by Nicky Cruz
Omnivore's Dilemna by Michael Pollan - Fred Jensen
7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey - Bob McConnell
The Road by Cormac McCarthy - Nick Franceschi
A Walk in Woods by Bill Bryson
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert - Joanne Davis
A Child Called “It” by David Pelzer - Joanne Davis
Don’t Sweat Stuff by Richard Carlson - Lynn Barnhouse
The Non-Runner’s Marathon Trainer by David Whitsett, Forrest Dolgener, & Tanjala Kole – Teresa Algreen
The Help by Kathryn Stockett – Shondra Murphy
The Giver by Lois Lowry – Janet Blazanin
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom – Lorna Miller
The Go-Giver by Bob Burg & John David Mann – Loran Storts
How to Heal Your Life by Louise Hays – Sherry Ellingson
The Celestine Prophecy Series by James Redfield – Sherry Ellingson
Who Moved My Cheese by Dr. Spencer Johnson – Wanda Havard
“If You Have to Cry Go Outside” by Kelly Cutrone – Amy Boblit
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom – Amy Boblit
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver – Miriam Mintzer
The Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig – Miriam Mintzer
Into the Wild by John Krakauer – Jed Gammell
The King of Lies by John Hart – Jill Burt
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill – Jennifer Marinangeli
The Shack by William Young – Loran Storts
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Brown – Jen Cason
Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren – Jen Cason
Generation Kill by Evan Wright – John Bogaard
Dresden Files Series by Jim Butcher – John Bogaard
The Navigator by Clive Cussler – Steve Sondall
Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer – Ben Garrett
Connie Recommends a Hug Everyday
Ever heard the Dave Mathews Band song Everyday or seen the music video? I love this video because it shows a guy just going around hugging random people and that person hugs someone else then everyone is hugging.
Nothing feels better then a hug! You know those days when things are not going that well and you walk in the door and get a big hug from your loved ones. It makes you stop, take a breath and soak it in, everything feels alright again.
My family has just gone through a really scary time with my niece Kaylie. She is 12 years old and has been dealing with seizures since she was 1. She is maxed out with her medication and is still having break through seizures. Over the last couple of years my sister has been taking her to Denver to run tests . Finally after a lot of time and tests the doctors determined that they can remove the part of her brain that was causing the seizures and she would hopefully be seizure free for the rest of her life.
She had the surgery at the end of October and she is doing awesome! For the first time in a long time Kaylie has gone over 30 days without a seizure. You would never know she had part of her brain removed, in fact, she is doing better than ever.
So you never know when someone might need a big hug. Even on one of the best days of your life a hug can make it that much better. That is why I recommend a hug every day, the more you give the more you will receive.
Kaylie & Connie
Abbey recommends the Game Taboo
This month I am recommending a game that will bring lots of laughter into gatherings with family and friends over the holiday season. This game is Taboo, and it is composed of a stack of cards, a buzzer, and a sand timer. The individuals are put into groups of two, and one partner’s job is to describe the word/thing listed on the card while the other partner tries to guess. The trick is that the partner describing is not allowed to say certain words, and are not allowed to make gestures which makes it difficult.
I was initially introduced to Taboo through Connie and her husband Tony when my boyfriend and I went to their house for dinner. We ended up playing Taboo for three hours and there was always continuous laughter (by the way I won every game but one!). Then when I went to my boyfriend’s grandparents a few weeks later we ended up playing it again, and this time it was a big group of people and we played the game for two hours. So when I was thinking about what to get my parents for Christmas, I automatically thought of Taboo because they have company on a regular basis. Well, I wanted to play it at Thanksgiving as I will not be going home for Christmas so my parents got an early Christmas present. It was an extremely successful gift and my family ended up playing Taboo everyday for at least an hour. So if you are looking for a good laugh and a good gift, this is an awesome choice. It’s silly, it’s funny, it brings family and friends together, and it’s totally worth the money!
Dr. Krohse recommends The Glee Indoor Cycling Workout
Youtube Video Demonstration
Printable Guide
& Standing at Work
Recent research has pointed to a number of negative effects that working in a sitting position has on the body. For this reason, many people are switching to standing desks at least part of the time. In fact, we have patients who work at the brand new Wellmark building outfitted with desks that adjust to the desired sitting or standing height. Read the articles and check the links below for strategies to change your seating height.
The Washington Post's Article "Those with a Desk Job Please Stand Up"
New York Times "Can't Stand to Sit Too Long? There's a Desk For That"
Trek Desk for setting up a desk on your home treadmill
& an Awesome Travel Blog
I always get inspired when I look at the OpenTravel Blog – below are a few of my favorite posts
Most Extreme Hiking Trails from Around the Globe
Amazing HDR Travel Images from Around the Globe
World's Most Spectacular Canyons
The Most Beautiful Destinations in Europe
15 Amazing Castles from Around the Globe
15 Amazing Travel Photos
Most Extreme Landscapes on Earth
Condition of the Month – Numbness & Tingling
Nerve cells are very different from all the other cells in the body. While all other cells are microscopic and relatively round, individual nerve cells extend all the way from the spine to the tips of the fingers and toes. Millions of these individual cells extend out from the spine in the thicker tube-like structures known as nerves. Nerves are responsible for carrying sensation, muscle control, and organ control messages to the entire body.
Because of nerve cells’ length, they function a bit like a hose coming out of a house. If someone steps on the hose near the house, it may not cut off the flow of the water. However it will then take less pressure by someone further out to cut off the flow entirely.
Similarly, when a person experiences nerve symptoms such as numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, or burning/pulling/shocking pain in an arm or leg, there may be multiple spots between the spine and the tips of the fingers where the nerve is being “pinched.”
Chiropractic care works by restoring dysfunctional joints in the spine to normal motion, reducing the swelling that “pinches” the nerves as they exit the spine. Dr. Krohse’s other specialty, Active Release Techniques specialized massage, loosens and relaxes problem muscles that affect nerves in the arms and legs. All patients are guided in implementing a home exercise program to keep nerves from being pinched again. To see if our care may be able to help you, call (515) 309-1217 today for a complimentary consultation.
Spotlight on Team Compass Chiropractic 2010 Athlete Kristin Rinderknecht
Sport: Triathlon
Other Sponsors: Rasmussen Bike Shop, Fitness Sports
Hi my name is Kristin Rinderknecht, and I have been involved in athletics all of my life. I participated in many sports growing up and in high school as well. I went on to dive in college, and after college did just enough to keep in shape. Running, aerobics, skiing etc… I began to realize that I was missing the competitive side of sport that I had grown up with, so after watching my husband do a sprint triathlon I decided that I needed to do that as well. I raced for a few years without any injuries, but that changed. I got a severe knee injury that last well over a year. Once that was resolved I noticed that my hamstring was not feeling up to par. I have done many different exercises and strengthening activities to help it, along with massage and other therapies, to no avail. It would get better then when stressed it would flair up. My current training has me gearing up for an Ironman in June. So when my hamstring began bothering me again early this Spring I just figured I would have to deal with it, take my Advil, sit on a tennis ball and ice it. My injury is most apparent after long runs where it will be bothersome for hours after and up to two day later. Sitting is the worst for it after running.
I heard about Dr. Krohse and what he had to offer and I actually gave it some thought. But I do not go to Chiropractors because I do not think that is the fix that I need. I have never given it a try and really never planned to. I did find out that he offers ART, Active Release Therapy, which I have experienced before. So after a lot of doubt and dragging my feet I decided I would give it a try. To my surprise it has been very helpful. I truly can walk in with pain and discomfort and leave without any pain. The best thing is the relief lasts for a long time and with the stretching and exercises I do I can keep the majority of the discomfort away, until I over do it again. The great thing is I am making less visits to the office and able to manage most of the discomfort on my own. I have not taken any pain medication for this for at least 2 months. I am also in some of the longest and hardest training weeks and am still keeping the pain in check.
I truly believe that ART and Dr. Krohse have been helpful in breaking this pain cycle.
If you are experiencing any pain and not sure what will work I would suggest that you give Dr. Krohse a call. He is very accommodating and willing to treat you with whatever therapy you are comfortable with. Their office is very easy to schedule with and Connie is very helpful in the front office.
Give them a call you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Capital Call-ins on Capital 106.3
Listen to Capital 106.3 in the mornings between 6:30 and 9 and you'll begin to hear Dr. Krohse, Connie, or Abbey check in with morning DJ Frank Monroe. We'll be sharing information about what's going on at Compass Chiropractic as well as wellness and active lifestyle events and tips.
1st Tues each Month – Kid's Day – Children under 13 receive ANY needed services (exams, adjustments, ART) at no charge
2nd Tues each Month – Athletes Day – Athletes any age bring a team picture or action picture and receive 1st day services (exam and any needed X-rays) at no charge
These chiropractic methods are designed to restore the movement and mobility in your joints through a controlled treatment that is applied manually. These movements allow joints that have become restricted in movement to come alive again and regain their mobility.chiropractors waukesha wi
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Trigger Points are tight bands of muscles that may be felt as a knot. Trigger points can restrict movement and cause muscle weakness and may cause referred and or radiating pain. Perimeter Spine and Rehabilitation Center’s patients get excellent results with our Trigger Point Injection Treatments. Perimeter Spine and rehabilitation center reviews
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