Read the entire newsletter to see if you won…
Special Olympics Over the Edge Fundraiser
How would you like to be pain-free and rappel down the side of the Financial Center in downtown Des Moines? Our Over the Edge Fundraiser may let one or two lucky Central Iowans do just that!
Through September, any new patient who donates $50 or more to our Over the Edge Fundraiser will receive a complementary first visit (exam, any needed spinal X-rays, and mechanical table massage up to $300 value).
For every $1,000 we raise, we can send a person over the edge of the Financial Center downtown on September 21. We will add new patients as well as our established patients who refer them to our office into a drawing to see who gets to go over the edge for Special Olympics.
Call (515) 309-1217 to schedule an appointment!
Free Pain-Free & Efficient Running Workshop – Tuesday July 26 at 6:00 PM
At 6:00 pm on Tuesday, July 26 Compass Chiropractic will host a free Pain-Free & Efficient Running Workshop. The concepts and techniques of low impact running styles will be taught. A workshop will follow where participants will practice drills to integrate these concepts into their running. The session will end with video and slow motion review of participants running form. Participants should arrive in clothes and shoes suitable to run in. Suggested RSVP to 515-309-1217 or Free (donations to our Special Olympics Over the Edge Fundraiser are welcome). Check the testimonial below!
Just wanted to drop you a line thanking you so much for last night's workshop. I incorporated the simple techniques into my run tonight and I ran faster than I ever have, had more energy at the end - never ended up feeling winded or tired and actually felt like I could have gone another couple of miles - and my knees didn't hurt and aren't hurting now at all! Thank you so much. I'm thrilled and looking forward to my long run this Saturday to see what a difference it makes there.
Compass Chiropractic Cutest Pet Contest
Through the end of July, we’ll be accepting your favorite picture of your cutest pets. Send them to I'll be posting submissions to our facebook page as they roll in. During the month of August, we’ll have a binder in our waiting room where patients can vote on whose pet is the cutest. The winner of the contest will receive a $100 pet store gift card! Check some of the pictures submitted so far!
George Krohse and Dr. Krohse's Father, Dale
(No, we won't let George win even if he is the cutest)
Sprite takes a break from cleaning Bear
Kaino & Kholi
Cyrus & Aslan
Dr. Krohse Recommends Salsa Des Moines
Late last fall I hesitantly entered the world of salsa with the free introductory lessons held weekly at Kitty’s dance club from 9-10 on Thursdays. Friends from Central Iowa’s premier outdoor club, Iowa Outdoor Unlimited, were shaking it and even becoming instructors for Salsa Des Moines and they convinced this two-left-footed, rhythm-impaired white boy to give it a try. I was so impressed with the enthusiasm and expertise of the instructors that I ended up taking beginner lessons on Friday nights at Des Moines Ballroom. Along the way, I’ve attended a couple of Salsa Des Moines’ excellent Salsa With the Stars events held at the Embassy Club and Embassy Club West as well as a salsa and wine event at Jasper Winery. At the end of March, I officially became an “Intermediate Salsa Dancer.” If I can do it, anyone can! Check their website and head out to an introductory lesson this week. Don’t worry if you don’t have a partner; most beginner classes rotate partners anyway and you will meet wonderful friends and dancing partners rapidly!
Condition of the Month – Chiropractic Skepticism
We frequently see new patients come in who share “I don’t believe in chiropractic” only to find themselves feeling so much better a short time later with some quality chiropractic care. Chiropractic care isn’t something that needs to be believed in. It works. In person with spinal model in hand, I can quickly show how it works, but for the skeptics out there, I recommend considering this information:
· Consumer Reports in April, 2009 found that back pain sufferers rated chiropractors and chiropractic adjustments as the most effective
· Medicare and Medicaid cover chiropractic care - your government has found chiropractic to be effective and cost effective
· All major insurances cover chiropractic care
· You have 132 joints in your spine! If one of them is not moving right, chiropractic adjustments help restore them to normal motion
Chiropractic care works by restoring dysfunctional joints in the spine to normal motion, reducing pain and improving flexibility and function. Dr. Krohse’s other specialty, Active Release Techniques specialized massage, loosens and relaxes problem muscles that can cause a variety of problems. All patients are guided in implementing a home exercise program to stabilize their spine. To see if our care may be able to help you, call (515) 309-1217 today for a complimentary consultation.
Spotlight on Team Compass Chiropractic Athlete – Jed Gammell
Sport: Mountain Biking
Other Sponsors/Affiliations: Gary Fisher 29er Crew
Day Job: Insurance Nerd
As a busy professional, father, & competitive cyclist who wants to stay healthy, I've always made chiropractic care part of my regular fitness regime. Dr. Krohse helps me focus on prevention & peak performance with regular ART & chiropractic care. I recommend Compass Chiropractic to everyone that wants to be healthier, feel better, and perform at their best.
1st Tues each Month – Kid's Day – Children under 13 receive ANY needed services (exams, adjustments, ART) at no charge
2nd Tues each Month – Athletes Day – Athletes any age bring a team picture or action picture and receive 1st day services (exam and any needed X-rays) at no charge
Congratulations to Bruce who won the iPad 2!
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