Susan G. Komen Rally for the Cure Fundraiser – through December 31, 2011Through December 31, we'll be doing a fundraiser for
Susan G. Komen for the Cure. During the fundraiser any new patient who donates $50 or more to
Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure will receive a complementary first visit (exam, any needed spinal X-rays, and table massage up to $300 value).
Help us spread the word on this great opportunity to help
Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
(515) 309-1217 to schedule an appointment!
November's Waiting Room Wellness - Movies We're Most Thankful ForDuring the month of November, we're sharing the movies that we're most thankful for with our patients and friends. We have clipboards in our waiting room where patients and visitors are encouraged to share their suggestions, which we'll put in a list in next month's newsletter. We did a similar theme with books last year and I have read a number of our patients suggestions and found them all to be excellent. I'm excited to learn some movies to put on my "must watch list" for the long, dark winter ahead.
Jeanne is most thankful for:

* Under the Tuscan Sun: Everything happens in its own season. Changing your circumstances helps you to change your perspective and that makes the eventual outcome that much sweeter.
* Master & Commander: Friendship and Loyalty are more valuable than any treasure on earth.
* Crimson Tide: One voice can change the world, by changing one attitude at a time.
* Mamma Mia & The Family Man: Love conquers all!
* Rudy: Passion, faith and hard work can accomplish the impossible!
Dr. Krohse is most thankful for:

* The Shawshank Redemption: "Get busy living, or get busy dying." How can a movie with somewhat dark depressing content be ultimately so incredibly inspiring? This is, in my opinion, a perfectly made movie. You will want to stand up and cheer at the end.
* Dumb and Dumber: I know I'll get some flack for this, but this movie never gets old. I believe it has more laughs and one-liners per minute than any other movie made. "Life is a fragile thing... One minute you're chewin' on a burger, the next minute you're dead meat."
* ChiRunning: This book and movie helped me get rid of chronic shin splints and took my running hobby to another level. "Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about"
Race for the Cure RecapThe Compass Chiropractic team joined more than 20,000 participants in a sea of pink at the Race for the Cure! It's a great event and highly recommended for all. Dr. Krohse placed 14th overall in the timed race.
Jeanne's husband and son enjoying the race!
Dr. Krohse and part-time assistant Jana pre-race
Pumpkins Give Me Gas Result!During the month of October we had patients guess the weight of the five pumpkins in the reception area of our office. The weight was 46 pounds. Congratulations to Sandy for making the closest guess and winning a $50 gas station gift card!
Jeanne Recommends Wild Rice Soup
This soup recipe is a fantastic way to use up some of that leftover turkey!
1 cup diced carrots
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup chopped onion
1 cup canned or frozen corn
1/2 lb bacon, cooked & crumbled
(reserve 3 TBSP of grease)
2 cans chicken broth
2 cups water
1 pkg Uncle Ben's Wild Rice Original Recipe
(prepare according to pkg directions)
1 can sliced mushrooms
2 cups cooked, diced turkey
1 can cream mushroom soup
-Saute raw veggies in 3 Tbsps of bacon grease.
-Add water and chicken broth and simmer for 10 mins.
-Stir in rice, mushrooms, turkey and soup.
-Warm all the way through and serve with sourdough bread.
Dr. Krohse Recommends Custom Earbuds from Dr. Kimberly Krambeck at the Iowa ClinicI love music and I love running. However, I don't like earbuds and earphones that fall out or flop around while I'm running. Recently I upgraded my active audio with a pair of custom earbuds fitted by
Dr. Kimberly Krambeck at the Iowa Clinic. Dr. Krambeck is a runner who has completed multiple marathons including New York, San Antonio, and Des Moines. She understands and enjoys working with fellow athletes.
The process was simple. I called the Iowa Clinic Audiology department and let them know I needed to schedule a time with Dr. Krambeck to be fitted for custom sport earbuds. I went in and she took a mold of each of my ears while I debated what color buds would be best. Ultimately I chose clear buds with blue swirls. The buds were ready to go in a week or so and slip over a standard Apple or Sony style bud. They look fast and the sound quality is great. Most importantly, I don't have to worry about them falling out of my ears any more. Cost of the custom sports buds varies but is generally between $100 and $150 I believe (don't quote me on that). That may sound a bit steep, but I was easily able to rationalize these as a long term investment leading to more enjoyable running.
I recommend Dr. Krambeck for all your audiology needs, whether it's getting a pair of these custom sports earbuds or determining whether you are a candidate for a hearing aid. She is very personable and knowledgeable! You can schedule with her at 515-875-9450.
"Vision connects you to things, but hearing connects you to people." -Helen Keller
Condition of the Month – Numbness & TinglingWe help many patients with conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, ulnar neuropathy and other forms of numbness and tingling.
Nerve cells are very different from all the other cells in the body. While all other cells are microscopic and relatively round, individual nerve cells extend all the way from the spine to the tips of the fingers and toes. Millions of these individual cells extend out from the spine in the thicker tube-like structures known as nerves. Nerves are responsible for carrying sensation, muscle control, and organ control messages to the entire body.
Because of nerve cells’ length, they function a bit like a hose coming out of a house. If someone steps on the hose near the house, it may not cut off the flow of the water. However it will then take less pressure by someone further out to cut off the flow entirely.
Similarly, when a person experiences nerve symptoms such as numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, or burning/pulling/shocking pain in an arm or leg, there may be multiple spots between the spine and the tips of the fingers where the nerve is being “pinched.”
Chiropractic care works by restoring dysfunctional joints in the spine to normal motion, reducing the swelling that “pinches” the nerves as they exit the spine. Dr. Krohse’s other specialty, Active Release Techniques specialized massage, loosens and relaxes problem muscles that affect nerves in the arms and legs. All patients are guided in implementing a home exercise program to keep nerves from being pinched again. To see if our care may be able to help you, call (515) 309-1217 today for a complimentary consultation.
1st Tues each Month – Kid's Day – Children under 13 receive ANY needed services (exams, adjustments, ART) at no charge
2nd Tues each Month – Athletes Day – Athletes any age bring a team picture or action picture and receive 1st day services (exam and any needed X-rays) at no charge