Painful flareup? Inflexible work schedule?
We’ll give you a hand this winter! Saturday appointments are available from 10 AM to 1 PM on the following dates:
November 16, 23
December 7, 14, 21
January 4, 11, 18
December 7, 14, 21
January 4, 11, 18
Congrats to the winners of the TV and iPad giveaways!
We enjoyed making Ingrid C. and Todd K’s days with these great giveaways. Ingrid won the TV and Todd won the iPad Mini. Keep reading our newsletter each month to learn about other upcoming opportunities to win with Compass Chiropractic.
What Books Are You Most Thankful For?
November brings our annual Thankfulness Waiting Room Wellness activity! This year we are again asking our patients to share the books that they are most thankful for. We’ll send out the list in our December newsletter. If you can’t make it in this month, feel free to email in your picks or share them on our facebook page! Our team will share about their picks below.

Sandy’s Books
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom is the final lesson between a college professor, Morrie, and one of his long lost students. After seeing his professor in an interview on TV the author is reminded of a promise he made sixteen years ago to keep in touch with him. Now stricken with ALS, Morrie does not have much time left, and Mitch recognizes this fact. He travels from Michigan to Massachusetts to meet with him. This meeting goes well and affects Mitch and Morrie so much that they meet for the next fourteen consecutive Tuesdays, up until Morrie passes away. During each of these meetings, they discuss a different topic about life. These topics make up the content of the book and include death, love, culture, marriage, regret and the world we live in, among many others. I love this book and the many emotions conveyed and, no surprise here, it was a tearjerker for me. As someone who has taken care of and watched two close relatives die in the past few years, it certainly made me think about and ponder my own life as well as aging, forgiveness, family, compassion, and mentors in life, just as Mitch Albom does during the course of the book.

Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Cline and Jim Fay. This is as close to an owner’s manual for parenting that you will find. I found this book several years ago when my daughters were younger. This parenting book shows you how to raise self-confident, motivated children who are ready for the real world. It taught me how to not hover and be a helicopter parent and how to let go and let my kids make mistakes and learn from them. It’s full of great advice on how to parent effectively while teaching your children responsibility and growing their character. It truly helped me realize that allowing my kids to endure and survive the natural consequences of some of their decisions – while they are young – will help them develop the skills and abilities to make better choices and survive difficult times as they grow older.
Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. If I had to point to one book that was instrumental in developing my love of reading it would be Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder, a series of books I fell in love with back in grade school. Laura Ingalls Wilder was born in 1867 in the log cabin described in Little House in the Big Woods. As her classic Little House books tell us, she and her family traveled by covered wagon across the Midwest. Her books share many of the things, happy and tragic, that she experienced with her family. As an adult, she and her husband, Almanzo Wilder, made their own covered-wagon trip with their daughter, Rose, to Mansfield, Missouri. There Laura wrote her story in the Little House books, and lived until she was ninety years old. For millions of readers, however, she lives forever as the little pioneer girl in the beloved Little House books. I still own a full set of her books, I shared them with my daughters and I never grow tired of reading these books and fantasizing of what life must have been like on the prairie back in the 1800’s.
Sheri’s Books
When deciding what books I was thankful for a number of them went through my mind. However, I am an avid science fiction fantasy fan, so I decided on the two that started this love affair.

Years ago a friend loaned me The Mists Of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. This book is the story about the legends of King Arthur but told from the perspective of the female characters in that day. The book casts Morgan Le Fay as a woman with unique gifts and responsibilities during a time of political and spiritual chaos instead of an evil sorceress. She is a High Priestess with much power that influences the great story of King Arthur’s legend. They made a movie of it in 2001 that starred Anjelica Huston, Julianna Marguilies and Joan Allen. Might just have to do a search for it on Netflix so I can watch it again.
The second book that I am thankful for is actually a five novel trilogy. They were written by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Julian May, and Andre Norton. The story is of three princesses that are given the power of the rare and mystical Black Trillium-a badge of the royal house, a symbol of ancient magic. As dark magic takes over the land, the sisters are forced to separately go searching for three magical talismans. These talismans when brought together will be the only chance they have of freeing their people and land from evil! Scary, right?! The five books in order are called Black Trillium, Blood Trillium, Golden Trillium, Lady of the Trillium, and Sky Trillium. The first novel was a collaboration of the three authors. Then they were each charged with writing a separate story as one of the sisters and their journey to finding their talisman. The last novel was written by Julian May, in which she brought all three sisters together years after finding their talismans and defeating evil.
I love to read these fantasy books and am thankful for them because they take me into a world of imagination and wonder. Leaving reality behind for just a few chapters!
Dr. Krohse’s Books
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. Millions have been wowed by the movie and musical. However, as with the vast majority of great stories, those who skipped reading the book actually missed the most powerful way to experience the story of Jean Valjean. This story has to be read! A word of advice though: don’t read the unabridged version which totals about 1500 pages. That would put you through about 1150 pages of confusing historical information on France and the war going on at the time and about 350 pages of one of the best stories of all time. Instead look for an abridged version between 300 and 500 pages.

Chi Running by Danny Dreyer. Until age 18 I had always been defined by an activity. I was “Swimmer Dave”. Losing that identity when I quit swimming in college was a bit of a crisis, but I got involved in other activities and was generally happy. At 30 years old, I never thought I’d define myself by a single activity again. Then I read Chi Running! In just a few short chapters this book taught me how to rid myself of painful shin splints that kept me from running more than 10 miles per week. As my mileage and efficiency increased, my pace quickened and I found joy on the trails and roads of Des Moines. Within a few months I was “Runner David” and I’ve never looked back! :)

Dr. Krohse (green) runs his debut marathon in Des Moines with a Boston-qualifying time of 3:04

Dr. Krohse surprised the Compass team with Wicked on Halloween!
Thank you for helping raise over $4,000 for See-Us-Run Des Moines!
Dr. Krohse made a commitment to donate at least $10 for each new patient who came in from February through October. When you sent in a friend or family member it directly supported the great mission of See-Us-Run!
Your referrals will now benefit Central Iowa Trails Association! Through the end of the year, Dr. Krohse will donate at least $10 for each new patient to our practice to CITA.
Dr. Krohse made a commitment to donate at least $10 for each new patient who came in from February through October. When you sent in a friend or family member it directly supported the great mission of See-Us-Run!

Your referrals will now benefit Central Iowa Trails Association! Through the end of the year, Dr. Krohse will donate at least $10 for each new patient to our practice to CITA.

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