Compass Chiropractic November, 2015 E-Newsletter
Leaf-raking fail? Friday neck-tweak? We may be able to help you!
Saturday hours are starting back up. Give us a call to check availability on the following dates:
November 7, 21, 28
December 5, 12
December 5, 12
Want to be best in the world or simply the best in your shoes? Optimize your function with chiropractic!
November Doorbuster deal: $5 off small Natural Calm and $10 off large Natural Calm (normal price is $20 and $40 respectively)
Patients frequently walk out of our
office on a Friday with their first bottle of Natural Calm and then come
back the next Monday raving about the ways it has decreased their pain,
eliminated muscle spasms, helped them sleep better, solved stubborn
chronic constipation, and generally improved their life. It seems
everyone notices a benefit when they start taking Natural Calm.
Two minerals play a key role in causing muscles and nerves in your body to become more and less excited. Calcium can be thought of as the exciter. Most people focus on getting plenty of calcium. However, many people neglect to get enough magnesium, the mineral which enables the muscles and nerves to relax properly. Improving your magnesium intake can improve a number of symptoms including the ones listed above. I love my Natural Calm and highly recommend it for patients dealing with muscle tension, spasms, pain, tightness, chronic stiffness, restless legs, and painful menstrual cramps. You can pick up a brochure to read other symptoms that may be helped.
Personally, I take Natural Calm shortly before bed to help me get a more restful night's sleep. I also feel it does wonders at preventing muscle soreness and speeding up recovery following my intense running and cycling workouts. Follow the directions on the bottle and gradually increase to your ideal dose as magnesium has stool loosening effects.
November Waiting Room Wellness Activity - Share the best gifts you've ever given, received, or what you'd most like for Christmas
Through the month of November, we'll have clipboards in our reception area where we invite you to share the best gift or gifts you've ever given, received, and/or what you'd most like for Christmas. Additionally, if you'd like to send in a picture of something unique you've created for someone or received from someone head over to the Compass Chiropractic Facebook page and submit it in a comment.
We'll be able to publish this list and photo submissions in early December in our newsletter and hope it gives you great ideas for your holiday gift shopping and crafting!
Two minerals play a key role in causing muscles and nerves in your body to become more and less excited. Calcium can be thought of as the exciter. Most people focus on getting plenty of calcium. However, many people neglect to get enough magnesium, the mineral which enables the muscles and nerves to relax properly. Improving your magnesium intake can improve a number of symptoms including the ones listed above. I love my Natural Calm and highly recommend it for patients dealing with muscle tension, spasms, pain, tightness, chronic stiffness, restless legs, and painful menstrual cramps. You can pick up a brochure to read other symptoms that may be helped.
Personally, I take Natural Calm shortly before bed to help me get a more restful night's sleep. I also feel it does wonders at preventing muscle soreness and speeding up recovery following my intense running and cycling workouts. Follow the directions on the bottle and gradually increase to your ideal dose as magnesium has stool loosening effects.
November Waiting Room Wellness Activity - Share the best gifts you've ever given, received, or what you'd most like for Christmas
Through the month of November, we'll have clipboards in our reception area where we invite you to share the best gift or gifts you've ever given, received, and/or what you'd most like for Christmas. Additionally, if you'd like to send in a picture of something unique you've created for someone or received from someone head over to the Compass Chiropractic Facebook page and submit it in a comment.
We'll be able to publish this list and photo submissions in early December in our newsletter and hope it gives you great ideas for your holiday gift shopping and crafting!
Dr. Krohse created this Mod Podge Memory Lamp for his fiance, Val
Sandy Recommends “The Intern” movie
It’s October and the horror films are
being shown and replayed in full force. Not my preferred genre of
movies; I prefer to watch a “feel good” movie so I sought out something a
little lighter and recently went to see The Intern. It did not
The Intern is a movie that tells the story of 70-year-old widower Ben Whittaker (played by Robert DeNiro) who is looking to get back into the working world after being retired and lonely. He finds an opportunity for a “senior internship” at an online retail start-up, owned and operated by Jules Ostin (played by Anne Hathaway). The story is sweet and funny as it, at times, focuses on generational differences and technology gaps, but evolves into a blossoming friendship and mentorship between a seasoned 70-year-old with years of wisdom and experience who helps young Jules realize that her talents and vision are what made her company successful. The company, “About the Fit”, has grown rapidly causing a few bumps in the road, but in the end, Ben helps Jules see that she really does have the skills to run the company and, married with a young child, “have it all”. Predictable but a feel good movie with a happy ending and a few hilarious scenes with the seasoned Ben enlisting the help of some much younger employees. Not a bad way to spend a couple of hours. It was a joy to see Robert DeNiro in such a low-key but well played role.
Amy Recommends Center Grove Orchard
This month I am recommending you take a trip to Center Grove Orchard. Located just a short trip north of Des Moines in Cambridge it is definitely worth checking out! Normal farmyard operating is September thru November and they offer all kinds of special events thru December for the whole family to enjoy. The weekend our family went was designated as "Hometown Hero Day" honoring local firefighters and displaying fire trucks for the kids to explore. To name a few other special events in November & December they have a Fairytale Luncheon with Princesses, Pajamas and Story with Santa, Holiday Open House, Brunch with Rudolph and Santa, and Ladies Night.
The farmyard has lots of activities including a corn pool, jumping
pillows, pig races, super slide, and rubber duck races. You can check
out the website for a complete list of events and activities at
We really enjoyed the hay rack ride
around the farm to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkin as well as
the apple orchard to hand pick some delicious apples! There is also a
Country Store, bakery, coffee shop, and Feed Bunk where you can get all
kinds of food and goodies! We loved the apple cider donuts that we
purchased there.
Center Grove Orchard is also a favorite for memorable gatherings of church groups, clubs, and youth groups. Need a place to meet for a company outing or family reunion? They offer campfire areas and bonfires by reservation, and can tailor a party or gathering to fit your needs!
Anne Recommends Iowa Public Radio
Center Grove Orchard is also a favorite for memorable gatherings of church groups, clubs, and youth groups. Need a place to meet for a company outing or family reunion? They offer campfire areas and bonfires by reservation, and can tailor a party or gathering to fit your needs!
Anne Recommends Iowa Public Radio
More than any other radio or internet
station and application, I’ve been listening to Iowa Public Radio (IPR)
since I heard about it during my college years. Found at 90.1FM in Des
Moines, IPR is listener-supported and virtually commercial-free, an
aspect I respect most about the broadcast. Though local sponsors are
sometimes mentioned briefly at the end of segments, it creates a more
pleasant listening experience and increases my confidence in their use
of fair and neutral reporting and subject-choices.
Though IPR plays an assortment of tunes each evening and on the weekends, I’m most interested in their daytime line-up of talk radio. It is how I stay up-to-date with current events; I can be informed while commuting in my car or folding my laundry- no eyes or hands required! And if I missed a particular program, I utilize their free app or podcast to catch up on it.
National Public Radio productions from all over the country are also aired through IPR, such as my personal favorite- award-winning “Fresh Air”, hosted by Terry Gross and comprised of clever interviews with “prominent cultural and entertainment figures, as well as distinguished experts…” Shows like “Talk of Iowa”, “All Things Considered” and the “BBC Hour” circulate local, national, and international news while “interest” segments such as “Here and Now” and “Science Friday” cover a full spectrum of topics from what’s happening specifically in Iowa to general commentaries, cooking trends, media reviews, horticulture, and recent scientific findings. Sports and economics are also daily topics on IPR, and more amusing programs like the well-known quiz show "Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me" air on Saturdays. This station has it all.
Dr. Krohse Recommends Uber
Do you remember the last time you used a camera not built in to your phone? Is there a Garmin or TomTom car GPS taking up space in a junk drawer somewhere in your house? Can you picture the blank look on your kid's face if you asked them to call directory assistance? In the last few years, smartphones have rendered entire categories of devices obsolete and revolutionized industries. Lately, I have had the opportunity to use another smartphone-based service that is rapidly overtaking the old-school option: Uber.
Uber is the modern taxi service in which people use their own nice-condition vehicle to pick you up and get you to your destination. As a user, simply put the Uber app on your smartphone, enter my promo code davidk10562ue for a free ride up to $15, and begin enjoying the many benefits of Uber over traditional taxis.
In just three uses, I've noticed a number of ways that Uber improves on the classic taxi experience. First, you can use the fare estimator and quickly put in your start location and destination and see what your ride will cost. When you order your Uber, you can see your Uber driver’s car show up on the map of the city and watch him progress to pick you up. Third, many of the Uber cars are significantly nicer than normal taxis. While in Minneapolis last weekend, my Uber ride to a concert was a sweet BMW 725. Before you order an Uber you put your credit card information into the app. The best part of using Uber is that you don’t have to deal with money a bit after that. When you finish your ride, your card is instantly charged and you aren’t expected to tip at all. Because Uber uses independent contractors rather than employees, they are able to significantly undercut the cost of established taxi services. As an example, a ride from Mullets Restaurant by Principal Park to the North of Drake neighborhood was under $8!
I’m glad I decided to give Uber a try! Get the app today and enter that promo code davidk10562ue and you’ll get that free $15 ride! Full disclosure: you’ll hook me up with another free $15 ride as well. Thanks!
Dr. Krohse featured in Momentum Magazine
Dr. Krohse was quoted in this Momentum Magazine article on taking a proactive approach to your health as an athlete.
Dr. Krohse finished the 101 Gravel Race in third place overall!
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