Our October, 2010 newsletter will be available online at Compass Chiropractic Newsletters. If needed, please use the links in the footer to opt out or change your account.
Compass Chiropractic October, 2010 E-Newsletter
We’re giving away iPod Shuffles to the winners of the Bowling Ball Holding Contest
Come by our office to participate in the Bowling Ball Holding Contest (a lesson on the effects of poor posture) and have a chance at winning an iPod Shuffle. Like us on Facebook to see pictures of all participants in the contest!
Forward this on to all the tough guys and gals in your life. After one day, our current record for men holding a 14 pounder is 1:02 (that’s a minute, not an hour) and for women holding a 9 pounder is 1:25.
Winning male and female on October 29 get an iPod Shuffle!
Join our Race for the Cure Team!
We would love to have all friends and patients join the Compass Chiropractic team. It is a huge, exciting event with about 26,000 people participating last year.
The deadline is October 5 to join a team. Our team is under the name Compass Chiropractic.
Visit the link below to sign up!
We’ll plan on doing a pizza/pasta dinner at Pagliai’s in Johnston at 6:30 on Friday, the 22nd. Thanks for considering joining us! The rest of the info on our ongoing fundraiser is below and feel free to call our office at 309-1217 if you have any other questions.
Susan G. Komen Rally for the Cure Fundraiser – through December 31, 2010
Through December 31, we'll be doing a fundraiser for Susan G. Komen for the Cure. During the fundraiser any new patient who donates $50 or more to Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure will receive a complementary first visit (exam, any needed spinal X-rays, and table massage up to $300 value).
Help us spread the word on this great opportunity to help Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
Call (515) 309-1217 to schedule an appointment!
Thanks for helping us raise $2,700 in the Special Olympics Fundraiser!
Generous new and established patients gave over $2,700 to Special Olympics Iowa. We are excited to have raised over $7,800 so far this year for community organizations and hope to achieve our goal of $10,000 total for community organizations.
Winner in the Flat-Screen TV Giveaway!
Our TV giveaway to new subscribers to our newsletter is over. The winner is Shannon Groth. Shannon, you need to contact us and come in and pick up your TV by the end of our work day Friday or we'll draw another name!
Connie recommends the Chiroflow Premium Waterbase Pillow
I wasn’t sure how much water to put in it but it does come with detailed instruction and a funnel to fill the pillow. I started out with 80 oz of water, which is considered soft support. I slept on it a couple of nights and decided I wanted to add a little more water so added 20 more oz. for a total of 100 oz. and that is perfect for me.
If you are not happy with your current pillow give the waterbase pillow a try; it sure has helped me have a great night sleep.
Abbey recommends Barefoot Running & Vibram FiveFingers
For years I have not been much of a runner, as I spent much of my time swimming. During my off seasons I would try to run as a form of cross training, but I always seemed to have pain in either my feet or knees. On a run with my team in 2009 I starting to have really bad knee pain and I have not been able to run more than four miles since because the pain becomes too uncomfortable. Since I have been done swimming, I have found that not being able to run as far as I want has become extremely frustrating and I have been looking for any way to help decrease my knee pain. Connie’s husband, Tony, had the answer!
About a month ago I purchased Vibram FiveFinger shoes after they were recommended by Tony. They are a shoe that is designed to restore your natural running style, and have five different toe slots just like toe socks and are designed to be light weight. As I have been running in the FiveFingers I have found that my knee does not even have the dull ache that I usually have with regular running shoes. Additionally, I have noticed that I am running more fore-footed than heel to toe which I think has helped tremendously.
While I highly recommend trying these shoes, it is important that you follow the recommendations of gradually working your way into wearing them all the time. Our feet are used to having the padding in the back of our running shoe, and if you don’t work into it your calves and feet will become very sore. Stretching before running in the FiveFingers is also extremely important.
So if you are running in pain and are tired of it, definitely check out barefoot running. I did, and it has completely changed my attitude and desire to run!
(Dr. Krohse took Abbey's advice and bought the pair above last week)
Dr. Krohse recommends Momentum Magazine
Momentum has definitely been the best addition to Iowa’s endurance athletics scene in 2010. Make sure to pick up your copy each month at the front of area stores and health clubs. Like it on Facebook, support the sponsors, and get out there and get active. Momentum puts the spotlight on so many amazing events. Thanks go to Dave and Dee Mable for putting this great magazine together and to Big Green Umbrella for getting it out there!
Condition of the Month – Poor Posture Problems as Demonstrated in the Bowling Ball Contest
Hold a bowling ball close to your body, and it would be no problem to keep it there a while. However, hold it straight out in front of you and you’d feel an exponential increase in the effort required to hold the ball up! The bowling ball contest rapidly demonstrates this.
Similar to a bowling ball, your head weighs about 8-12 pounds. With proper posture it would be balanced directly above your shoulders. Muscles on the back of the neck are responsible for keeping the head from falling forward. Prior to computers, couches, driving, and factory work this was a light-duty job for these muscles. However, it is very common for people today to spend many hours a day in a poor posture position with the head out in front of the shoulders. Over time, this stresses muscles on the neck leading to pain and dysfunction. Further, it can lead to permanent changes in the neck and upper back and cause ongoing neck pain, upper back pain, and headaches.
Additionally, one needs to consider the spinal joints to fully understand why poor posture can be so detrimental. There are 132 joints in the spine and they are located on the back of the spine. When a person assumes the computer posture, the neck is extended back almost as much as possible. Consider what your neck would feel like if you spent an entire day painting a ceiling while looking straight up. This is a more extreme example of what happens when you spend extended time in the computer posture. Spinal joints are compressed backward. This stress adds up and can cause these joints to become dysfunctional and painful. Additionally, the inflammation in the area can affect the nerves exiting the spine leading to problems such as shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and headaches.
Please take a lesson from the bowling ball contest and follow the step by step instructions on the last page of this PDF to improve your situation.
Spotlight on Team Compass Chiropractic Athlete Dr. Louis DeWild
Dr. DeWild had a great first Ironman ever at Coeur d’Alene and qualified for Kona. He’ll race in the world championships on October 9! Read this great interview with his coaching team, Zoom Performance, on his experience in triathlon!
Sport: Triathlon & Mountain Biking
Other Sponsors: Rasmussen Bike Shop, Fitness Sports
Day Job: Anesthesiologist
"As an avid triathlete, cyclist, and runner who likes to compete, I had sought out a practitioner to help me with my poor flexibility. I had even considered going to a clinic in Phoenix that specializes in flexibility. Then I heard about Dr. Krohse and his ART therapy. I am very happy with how he has helped me with my neck and upper back flexibility. This is critical when riding in the aero position--just in time for my first Ironman in June. Thanks Dr. Krohse."
Capital Call-ins on Capital 106.3
Listen to Capital 106.3 in the mornings between 6:30 and 9 and you'll begin to hear Dr. Krohse, Connie, or Abbey check in with morning DJ Frank Monroe. We'll be sharing information about what's going on at Compass Chiropractic as well as wellness and active lifestyle events and tips.
1st Tues each Month – Kid's Day – Children under 13 receive ANY needed services (exams, adjustments, ART) at no charge
2nd Tues each Month – Athletes Day – Athletes any age bring a team picture or action picture and receive 1st day services (exam and any needed X-rays) at no charge
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