Susan G. Komen Rally for the Cure Fundraiser – through December 31, 2010
Through December 31, we'll be doing a fundraiser for Susan G. Komen for the Cure. During the fundraiser any new patient who donates $50 or more to Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure will receive a complementary first visit (exam, any needed spinal X-rays, and table massage up to $300 value).
Help us spread the word on this great opportunity to help Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
Call (515) 309-1217 to schedule an appointment!
November’s Waiting Room Wellness – Books We’re Most Thankful For
“You are the same today as you’ll be in five years except for two things: the books you read and the people you meet.” – Charlie “Tremendous” Jones
Our staff has put our favorite life-changing, inspirational, and/or treasured books on display. We’d love to learn what books our friends and patients are most thankful for. Stop in and share yours on one of the clipboards in our waiting room, reply to this email, or share yours on our facebook page. We’ll share a complete list of recommended reads in next month’s newsletter, just in time to add them to your holiday wish list!
Dr. Krohse
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
Chi Running by Danny Dreyer and Katherine Dreyer
Guerrilla Marketing by Jay Conrad Levinson
Hound Health Handbook by Betsy Brevitz, D.V.M.
Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay
Born to Run by Christopher McDougall
Night by Elie Wiesel
How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay
Kabul Beauty School by Deborah Rodriguez
My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult
Bowling Ball Holding Contest
Congratulations to our Bowling Ball Holding Contest winners. Bobbi held the nine pound ball for 1:25 while Mike held the 14 pound ball for 1:41. Each won an iPod Shuffle.
View all the participants in the contest on our facebook page. Read the Juice article on improving posture and the contest here.
Thanks to the members of our Race for the Cure Team!
On Saturday, October 23, 18 people joined Team Compass Chiropractic to race for a cure for breast cancer. We had a great time and look forward to putting together a team again next year.
Connie recommends Getting Organized at the Grocery Store
Everyone knows a great way to save time and money at the grocery store is to prepare a list before leaving home. So often if you don't, you end up buying a lot of things you don't need and come home with nothing to make for meals. My husband Tony has developed a grocery list that is very efficient. It takes a little time at the beginning to put it together but it saves you a great amount of time after that.
What works for us is to write a list by what we always use in our home and organize the list by aisles at our favorite Hy-Vee store. If nothing is circled on the list for that aisle then I can skip that one all together. At the bottom of the list we have the meals that we prepare on a regular basis.
Each week I print out the grocery list and decide on what meals sound good, then circle the ingredients on the list. After that I go through and circle all the things I regularly use by checking our supply at home of what we have left. It is very rare that we miss anything since I can check my list and then check my stock of that specific item to see if I need to purchase more.
This has worked great in our home, it keeps me focused when I am at the grocery store and don’t usually get too many unnecessary items. A little extra time at the grocery store to develop this list and the rest of it is a wonderful time and money saver for a busy family.
View Connie and Tony’s list here and use it to create your own!
Abbey recommends Glee
Hear the most popular Glee song here!
Dr. Krohse recommends Groupon
Do you love to try local restaurants and stores around the Central Iowa area? Do you love amazingly good deals? If you enjoy both of these, I recommend you subscribe to Des Moines Groupon. You’ll receive an email each day with a fantastic offer to a local or occasionally web-based or national business. The concept of Groupon is that you only get the deal if a certain number of people purchase it. If you see a deal you really want, you need to share about it with your friends. Since its recent debut in Des Moines, I’ve enjoyed checking out the daily deals.
A Local Business – Phillips’ Abbey Carpet & Floor
Through my BNI chapter, I have learned a great deal about Phillips’ Floors. I feel very confident recommending anyone needing residential or commercial floors to Mark Bjork. He’ll take great care of you personally or refer you to the best person to do the job within Phillips’ Floors great team. Mark’s number is 515-202-1355.
Condition of the Month – Kids and Chiropractic
The top three conditions that adults visit chiropractors for are back pain, neck pain, and headaches. However, many parents are surprised to learn that the reasons children visit a chiropractor are quite different.
If your child or the child of someone you know is suffering from these conditions, consider giving safe and effective chiropractic care a chance before trying higher risk drugs and surgery.
Would you like your child to be examined to see if there are any problems. Take advantage of an upcoming Kid's Day – the first Tuesday of each month. On this day children under 13 receive any needed services at no charge!
Top Reasons Kids Visit a Chiropractor:
1. 11.3% of visits - Earache
2. 10.6% Neck Pain
3. 10.3% Check-up
4. 8.8% Headache
5. 7.1% Upper Resp. Infection
6. 6.3% Low Back Pain
7. 4.5% Allergies
8. 3.3% Asthma
9. 3.3% Bedwetting
10. 3.2% Upper Back Pain
11. Chronic Constipation
Dr. David Krohse of Compass Chiropractic completed his Pediatrics Practise training in June of 2010. To see if chiropractic may be able to help your family call (515) (309-1217) to schedule a first visit or complimentary consultation.
Spotlight on Team Compass Chiropractic Athlete Joe Aulwes
Joe has had a fantastic competitive season with wins in the Midnight Madness and other local races as well as a recent PR and 12th place finish in the Des Moines Half Marathon with 1:10:52.
Athlete Profile
Sport: Distance Running
Affiliation: Runablaze Iowa
Day Job: Web Developer
“As a computer geek and a competitive runner, I sit in front of a computer for hours at a time and things tighten up after a run and get out of balance. Dr. Krohse helps me focus on preventative exercises, regular ART treatments to make sure muscles are working properly and chiropractic care to help lower back discomfort. I recommend Compass Chiropractic to my family, friends and anyone who is looking for a more well-rounded approach to chiropractic care."
Capital Call-ins on Capital 106.3
Listen to Capital 106.3 in the mornings between 6:30 and 9 and you'll begin to hear Dr. Krohse, Connie, or Abbey check in with morning DJ Frank Monroe. We'll be sharing information about what's going on at Compass Chiropractic as well as wellness and active lifestyle events and tips.
1st Tues each Month – Kid's Day – Children under 13 receive ANY needed services (exams, adjustments, ART) at no charge
2nd Tues each Month – Athletes Day – Athletes any age bring a team picture or action picture and receive 1st day services (exam and any needed X-rays) at no charge
1 comment:
Chiropractic has the ability to improve function in the neuromusculoskeletal system, and overall
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