Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Note from Montreal

I'm in Montreal for the week taking an Active Release Techniques seminar. It's been great visiting a new city though I must admit the weather could be better - still in the teens with a foot of fresh snow on the ground here. I was a fool and didn't bring gloves or a stocking hat either as things were warm (relatively) in Des Moines when I left Compass Chiropractic.

As we walked back from dinner tonight we were approached by a homeless man with a sign asking for money for drugs and alcohol. His good sense of humor didn't get him anything but some smiles from us, but it reminded me of one of the most powerful newspaper articles that I have read recently. I found it very inspirational and actually printed it out for a patient I was working with out in Washington who had experienced a traumatic work injury and was not expecting a full recovery to his pre-injury life. Though it's long, it's well worth the read. Here it is:

See you back at Compass Chiropractic!

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