Saturday, January 12, 2008


I'd like this site to become an excellent natural health care resource for Des Moines residents. If anyone has a question about any health related topic please ask it through the contact us page at Compass Chiropractic and I'll post an answer on this blog.

Headaches are one of the most common conditions resolved with chiropractic care, yet, as I meet people in the Des Moines area I'm amazed at how many Des Moines area residents have thrown in the towel when it comes to their headaches without even trying chiropractic care. They've come to the conclusion that they have always had headaches and probably always will. They've resigned themselves to daily doses of ibuprofen or prescription headache medications. Some simple tests described below will give you a better idea of whether your headaches are caused by dysfunction in your neck. If the tests increase your headache pain it is very likely your headache is at least partially caused by dysfunction in your neck and Chiropractic and Active Release Techniques care are very likely to help with your condition. Even if your headaches do not get worse with these tests, it would still be worth getting a thorough chiropractic examination to find out if your neck is involved with your headaches.

Check the Three P’s of Neck-Related Headaches to find out if your headaches are related to dysfunction in your upper neck:

1) Posture – Your ear should be lined up with the tip of your shoulder when viewed from the side. Have someone check your standing posture. If your ear is far in front of the tip of your shoulder, your neck muscles are working harder than they should be all the time. If headaches get worse after driving or working in front of the computer, posture is probably a factor.

2) Position – When you have a headache, bend your head forward and backward slowly. Rotate your head to the right and left slowly. Bend your head side to side slowly. Increased headache pain on slow movement or at the end of the range of motion indicates that neck joint or muscle dysfunction is affecting your head.

3) Painful Points – When you have a headache, poke around your upper neck with your fingers. Are there tender areas that make your headache worse when you press on them? These painful points indicate that neck dysfunction is related to the pain in your head.

At Compass Chiropractic in Clive, we will take a comprehensive history and perform a thorough examination to determine the source of your pain. A plan will be formed specifically for you which may include spinal adjustments to restore normal function to upper neck joints, ART on tight muscles in the neck and at the base of the head, and exercises and stretches to restore neck muscle function and posture. You may be custom fitted for a pillow if it is determined that improper neck support while sleeping is a source of your pain.

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